Friday, July 13, 2012

Angry Bitches

So here's a common problem.
Angry girls.

This shit happens all the time and you know it.
Hell, most of you probably experienced it.

Thing is, pissed off hoes tend to speak in some sort of fucking 'riddles'.
They want you to break your mind over something that could be dealt with, in a far more simpler way.

If I fucked up, tell me I fucked up.
Don't wait for me to ask you "Hey, something wrong?" and then reply with "There's nothing wrong!" or "What do you think?"
What do I think? What the fuck do I think?
I think you should grow the fuck up and just tell me what it is that I did wrong.
I can't read your fucking mind.
I wish I could, but really, I fucking can't.

Most of you can't even hide your anger. Others don't even try.
Or even worse, some of you only fucking 'hint' that you're angry.
Acting all bitchy and stuff, making us feel all uncomfortable and shit.
Then, when we ask "Something wrong?" (common question), you're still all like "Tss, you really got to ask me that?" and "Why?"
Bitch, we guys are fucking hardwired to notice. We can fucking tell that you're pissed off about something.
But hey, I could ask you that question multiple times and you still wouldn't give me a straight answer, would you?

So, to all you angry bitches. Just tell us what it is that's on your mind.
We're more than willing to fix, that which is pissing you off. Seriously, we wouldn't be asking if we didn't.

But to all you stupid fucking skanks, that continue to talk in riddles and other bullshit.
From now on, I'm only going to ask you once. If you say "It's fine", it's fucking fine.
Don't expect me to fix a problem, when you're telling me that there is no problem.

Thank you in advance.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Something else I have a problem with.
Handicapped people and the mentally disabled.

First of all, I do not  understand, why any parent would even consider keeping these kids.
The second you decide to take care of someone with a handicap, your life is going to get turned around so drastically. Who in their right mind would want that?
You'll be limited to so many things, you'd have to work so much harder, to turn this kid into something that could have a normal life, in our current society.
Seems quite selfish as well, cause no child would want a life like that, as soon as they realise that they are not "normal", but just a bunch of rejects.
Sure, you could convince him or her that he or she is "special", but that doesn't change the fact that they're still fucking retards.

Personally, if I decided to have kids, I'd let my kid get tested, while still in the womb. If this would result in "me having a retarded baby", I'd get it aborted immediately.
If my 'wife' or 'girlfriend' wants otherwise, I wish her a happy life, with her retarded baby, as a single mother.
In case I can't get my kid tested, before it is born, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. But, on discovery that it -is- a retard, adoption would do just fine.

Thing is, I can't stand these people.
I often see people with down syndrome, or those extremely fucked up people, in wheelchairs, only capable of drooling and making one or two sounds, twitching whatever limb they are still able to move.
One could say that it is sad, to see someone go through life like that. Which would get us back on the whole "selfish" part, since no kid would want to live like that.
But fuck that, I don't feel any empathy for these people. Nor do I have respect for these people, since they serve no purpose in our modern world.
To put it blunt, they clog up the world, with their uselessness.
Sure, we could put some of them together and say we're running a "special business", serving drinks and meals or whatever, to those who care.
But lets be honest, we'd be better off without them.

Far back in the days, people thought the exact same thing.
Take the "Spartans" for example.
A child would be deemed weak if there was some sort of birth defect or mental retardation that would prevent the child from serving in the Sparta army, when growing up.
If the babies were weak or sick, they would be dropped off a cliff, drowned or turned into a helot, a slave to the Spartans. Spartans only looked for strong babies for their military.
If the baby was weak or deformed, it would be no use because they proved a weak spot in the phalanx. They needed someone to watch their allies backs, while maintaining form.
These guys had the right idea. If the baby is weak, it would be of no use.

Anyway, I know plenty of people think otherwise. Many people have family or friends that are mentally not 100%, or handicapped, in any way or form.
I know that I'll never see a world without "retarded people", so I guess that one can only dream.

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Universe

I think we can all agree that the universe is a big, somewhat scary place.
A never ending, dark and vacuum nothingness.
A place that is not able to sustain life, if not on a planet.

To me, it's quite clear that 'space' goes on for eternity.
A thing that sounds weird to many others, or even impossible.
But let me explain.

[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0]

If the numbers between these brackets, is 'space' or 'the universe' as we know it, then what is on the position of the dot?

[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0]  .

Nothing, you might say. Okay, fair enough; but isn't that still space? Cause 'space' is pretty much nothing as well.
"Fine, maybe our 'space' is a bit bigger than we thought."
Okay, great answer. But then answer me this:

If space is a bit bigger then we thought it would be and it reaches out, all the way to that "dot", than what is on the second dot?

[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0   .]     .

"Nothing", could again, be your answer. But we just concluded that "nothing" is just as much "something" as what we call 'space'.
This, of course, could go on and on and on...

[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0].].].].].].].].].].].].].].].??

See where I'm going with this?
Sure we could call it something else, so it wouldn't be 'space' anymore.
But we all know it's still fucking space...

I even once, heard someone say, that if we reach the borders of 'space', one will simply "transport" to the far end, in the opposite direction.
Let me explain.

[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0], so, as soon as someone goes beyond 0, he'll come back at 1.
But even if that's the case, my same statement holds.

[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0] . «« What is on the dot?

Sure, in this case we'd never be able to reach it, since we'll get back at 1, as soon as we try to go beyond 0, but the dot is still there, whether -we- can reach it, or not.

So space, goes on for eternity.
At least, it does in my logic.

Then there's extraterrestrial life.
Aliens, if you will.

To me, finding aliens on some far, far away planet, does not sound strange at all.
There's millions and millions, billions, gazillions of planets in space. (A lot)
So to me, it's weird to think of planet earth, as the ONLY planet that has the PERFECT position in the universe, to sustain life.
Of course there's no proof of that, or not that I know off.
But it wouldn't surprise me to see life on some other planet.
I wish that on some random day, we find aliens. No matter how big or small they are.
That would be so awesome.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Life after Death

There is no life after death.
At least, not to my knowledge.

I've had this discussion with plenty of people, some claiming that there is an afterlife, or maybe you'll get re-born as someone else.
But that is just a stupid thing to assume.
Afterlife would be something religious, I guess. So it would be something I wouldn't and can't believe in, in the first place.
Getting re-born as someone else, isn't life after death either.

No one in their right mind, can tell me what kind of life they've had, before the life they have now.
So getting "reborn" is nothing but someone getting born, the second you die.
There will be no thoughts of your past life, nothing. So that "other person", wouldn't be you.
Therefor, you're not reborn.

If people ask me "What do you think that happens, after you die?", I always give them the same answer. An answer that consist of the following question:
"What can you remember, from before you were born?"
Everyone, (except from the crazy people, telling me they used to be a strawberry in their past life, living it up with their strawberry friends, playing games with grapes and shit, enjoying the sun) gives me the same answer; which is "Nothing."
And that is exactly the answer to your question.
Nothing happens, after you die. It's like pulling the plug from a TV or computer. The TV shuts off and other than that, it does nothing. It's not like, when I pull the plug from my TV, some other TV magically turns on.
Even IF, you got "reborn", after you died, there wouldn't be a single person who could prove it, since they wouldn't remember the discussion they had in their past life, thus it's not being "reborn" but simply, someone else that got born, at the same moment you died.
Just a mere coincidence. That shit actually happens all the time.

Knowing this, is exactly the reason why I don't fear, or care about death.
Sure it's nice to be alive, but the second you die, you'll no longer have any memory of that life, or anything else for that matter.
You wouldn't miss the life you had, cause you wouldn't miss anything.
You wouldn't see your family and friends be in misery or pain, cause they lost a loved one, because you wouldn't see anything.
You wouldn't feel getting buried 6 feet under, or cremated, because you wouldn't feel anything.

Death is actually quite peaceful, but it's not even that. Death is nothing.

The End.

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Suicide is the easy escape to life.
An escape many people take and even more think about.

Personally, I've got a lot of mixed feelings, when it comes down to suicide.
When I was younger, I've thought about committing suicide myself, multiple times.
Not because I was extremely fucking emo', but because I was curious to see what would happen, if I died.
Since nobody can really prove, if there's an afterlife or not, my mind made some strange turns, eventually contemplating suicide.
I'm a curious little bastard.

Lucky for me, I've got a mind that realises life is worth living. There's so much more things life can offer me, so many things I've never done before and so many things that will happen to me, that I've never even thought about.
Life is full of surprises, both good and bad. But that is exactly what makes life so interesting.

Now, of course there's people who were born, having a fucked up life.
Kids that get bullied in school. Kids that get hit by their parents.
Kids that sniff glue, so they are ready for combat and do exactly as their superiors say. (Joseph Kony knows his shit.)
Whatever it is, it's probably not pretty.

But is something like 'getting bullied' or 'being put up on a banga list', really something to commit suicide over?
I believe, that most problems can be fixed.
Sure, if your family got murdered and raped and you're being dragged out into the desert, getting drugged up, given an AK-47, dropped into a strange village and told to shoot everyone longer than 4 feet, yes, you're fucked.
Suicide is probably the answer for you. Either that, or continue life as a hardcore motherfucker.
But surely being bullied can't be that bad.
If your bully is 6 feet 5, fat and big, why not just stab him in the neck?
Go on a school shootout for all I care.
Why kill yourself and not hurt those, who are causing the pain?
You can also just report it. Any mental bullying is just nonsense, since you can block that out and any physical bullying can be reported.
Either with your principal, or the cops. Whatever, I dno'...
Anyway, in these "mild cases", suicide is just a weak excuse of not putting up with your problems.
Learn to stand up for yourself.
And those who don't take shit from others, cause they got bullied their entire lives; aren't you now stronger, then what you used to be when you got bullied?
Didn't it turn out for the best? Cause if you didn't get bullied, you'd now probably be someones work horse, slaving away your life.

Anyway, we went from suicide to bullying.
Something often related.
But something that shouldn't be related at all.
Suicide is weak, unless there is absolutely no escape.

I've always said that if I ever went blind or became a hospitalized vegetable or some shit, I'd either commit suicide or hope someone would kill me.
I couldn't live without sight, so unless there's a way of making blind people see again, I'd choose death.

Friday, July 6, 2012

The gift of giving gifts

Birthday presents.
I fucking love getting them, but I hate giving them.
Multiple reasons why.

1. I hate having to choose what "he or she is going to like or not".
2. It fucking costs me money...
3. It's all a bunch of circling bullshit.
4. Unwanted pressure

I hate giving out presents, but I hate giving out presents to my friends or family even more.
These days, giving presents to your friends consists of either, "Buying something stupid as a joke", or, "Giving cash".

Buying something stupid, is just stupid.
Sure, it'll cause some laughter, ha-ha, but other than that, you're just giving away dumb shit, which will probably end up rotting away somewhere.
I could have just given him or her the money and he or she would have bought something that had more use.
But that's our next problem!

Lets say I give my closest friend 50 bucks for his birthday. Sounds about right, right?
Now, 3 months later, it's my birthday and my friend gives me, 50 fucking bucks.
So what the fuck just happened here? Exactly... NOTHING.

Then there's the last and probably the most irritating reason.
For some reason, people have the need to fucking "play equal", or whatever. I don't even fucking know how to explain this.

If I buy you a fucking present for your birthday and 3 months later my birthday is coming up, you're all like "OH MY GOD WHAT DO I HAVE TO BUY HIM?! HE BOUGHT ME SOMETHING AS WELL, OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!"
No... fucking, no.

I don't want you to fucking buy me anything, cause I don't want to feel the need to give you something back, cause you did me a favour.
I never asked for your fucking present, so who are you to put this pressure on me?
Over the years though, I quickly learned "not to give a fuck about others" and "just be a fucking asshole about it".

Like I said, I love getting birthday presents, or any presents for that matter.
But don't expect me to buy you something as well, just because YOU bought ME something.
I never asked for it and I never will.

If you want to be a kind person and give me your money, please, do it whenever you see fit.
But don't expect me to do the same.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Filled with tar.

First of all, let me apologize to those who were hoping on a 'brand new blog post'.
I realize that this post is mostly a Facebook comment I made, a while ago.
Thing is, I don't really have anything else to say on the subject. It is how it is.
Thank you.

Here's a personal blog post.
Something about 'me'.

I'm a smoker and I'm darn good at it.
Surely this is nothing to be proud of, or not something I regret, but that doesn't change the fact that I am.

I started smoking when I was 18.
I enjoy smoking just as much as the next person, or maybe even more.

Thing is, I'm well aware of the dangers of smoking. I know I'll probably die a few years sooner and I know my lungs are probably filled with tar'.
I know that my chances of getting cancer or any other weird fucking disease are higher than for an average non-smoker. I also know that I could have probably ran a mile further, if I didn't smoke. (Or if my Asthma didn't stop me)
Yes, I have asthma.

Now, I'm not asking you for your sympathy. If anything, I'll probably get a few "HAH, I HOPE YOU DIE IN PAIN!" comments.
Which is also, no problem at all.

I just can't seem to stop buying packs of cigs'.
My addiction is really taking the upper hand.
Maybe I should just quit trying to quit..?

The average number of cigarettes smoked a year by 1 single male is about 5,772. 
I'm at 13,832... Holy shit.
Scientists have calculated that each cigarette cuts on average 11 minutes off the life of a male smoker. This means I'm totally fucked and let me tell you why.From the starting age of 17 until his death at 71 a male smoker will consume a total of 311,688 cigarettes. In my case that would be 746,928.So if I keep this up, I'd die 15,6 years before my original 'death date'. I'd die at the age of 65, considering I'd normally reach the age of 80.

"As if that's not bad enough, smokers are likely to die a more painful death and spend longer being ill while they are alive."- Clive Bates

I've smoked a sickening amount of 18 packs of cigs', in the last 4 days.
I got a carton of cigarettes, consisting of 20 packs, holding 19 cigarettes in each pack. (If I'm not mistaking.)
This would mean, that I smoked 3,5 cigarettes an hour, in a 24 hour day.
Considering the fact that I'm not awake for 24 hours a day, this number is probably doubled, or maybe even more.
My lungs are probably blacker than the darkest nights by now.
Every time I breath in, or out, I feel a weird pressure on my chest. A sharp pain, coming from behind my rib cage.
Maybe I should get help? But then again, maybe I shouldn't...
It's not that I really care what happens, I just like sharing these statistics.
But anyway, if I die within the next week, you all now know why!

But we could turn all this information around, into something better. After some serious thinking, I concluded that this isn't so bad after all. 
At least I won't see the day on which I'm going to be old, crippled, slow, boring, smelly and in constant pain.
Because of my age, that is. Cause who knows what the long-term effects of smoking will do to me.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Old People

I fucking hate old people.

Mostly, old people just piss me the fuck off.
They are slow, they are loud or not loud enough, they are always in the way, they are wrinkly as fuck, they stink, they are dumb but think to fucking know it all, they are rude, they are sick, they are rotting, they are ugly...
I could go on and on about old people.

Thing is, I don't want to.

Old people need to get the FUCK out of my way.
Don't think I'll get off my seat, just because you want to plant your old sorry ass on my spot. I was sitting here first. You have legs just like I do, so fucking use them.
Don't think I'll get out of the way, cause you're walking straight up to me on the sidewalk, in rows of 6, hoping for me to move aside. I'll fucking walk through you if I have to.

Also, have you ever noticed, that all old people smell the same?
Well, it's either that, or they carry around a fucking WALL of cologne, that will just PUNCH you right in the fucking nostrils.
But seriously, if not that, all old people smell the same.
That's the smell of 'rot', my friends. Old people are slowly decaying and they are leaving their mark, by stinking up the place.
They carry disease and fucking months fly out of their hairs...
Ugh, I'm getting carried away here.

All in all, I don't fucking like old people. They annoy me, like nothing else.
I love my grandparents though. They send me money every chance they get and I fucking love money.
Also, they're caring people, tend to look out for me, put in a good word with my mom and dad, boost my ego and show interest in my life.
But that doesn't mean I love all old people. Hell no. I fucking detest the rest.

I'll be completely honest with you.
I'm not planing on becoming 'old' myself. I'm not sure what age would be considered 'old', but I doubt I'll reach it.
I don't want to be slow, wrinkly, crippled and in constant pain.
This opinion might change, the older I get. But as of now, I don't see myself growing old.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Third Country

Something else that really pisses me off, is third world countries.
Not because it's a piss poor country, but because of all the fucking bullshit around it.

There's such a crazy amount of 'charities' these days, that it's turning my stomach around.
It's actually making me sick and not just in the stomach, in the head as well.

Charities fucking ruin countries.
There's millions and millions of euro's, that goes to poor countries and none of them seem to get better from it.
So what happens to all that fucking money?
Sure, maybe we'll build a school or 2. Maybe we'll provide some random lonely hobo' with a week supply of food, or a chance to buy guns and drugs for his already dying of aids family, but that doesn't seem to change shit.
There's bullshit on poor countries on the news, in the papers, (not that I watch or read either), on the Internet. Everywhere.

In my eyes, there's 2 things we could do about this. (2 things that will probably, sadly, never happen.)

1. Exterminate them.
2. Stop helping them.

If we exterminate all poor people, wipe their countries clean, the bullshit would be all over.
No more 'poor countries' to worry about; and don't tell me that we need poor countries, cause of all their crops and stuff we can't grow for ourselves.
We can always put our own people down there and grow whenever we see fit.
Of course, this will never happen.
If anything, it would cause a third world war, wiping out everything else with it.

But then there's the "not helping them" part.
This could actually work.
If we'd stop helping piss poor countries, there's only 2 things that could happen.
The country will crumble and fall, wiping out itself.
This wouldn't be of our concern, it wouldn't start a war and if the countries are 'dead', so to say, we could then put our own people in it and grow their shit ourselves.
Either that, or the country slowly rebuilds itself. Works out their own problems, becomes independent and step by step, turns into their own Utopia.
If this happens, there will be no more third world countries to begin with, or worry about.
So now everyone is happy.

Sure, I get it, you people feel bad for the thousands of people with a fucked up life and people you don't personally know, but seem to be better of dead. For some reason, your morals tell you to show them some support and the respect they deserve.
But morality truly is a dick and it doesn't seem to go anywhere so far...

Or course, I'm not one to make such accusations. I don't read newspapers and I don't watch the news.
I don't know how much charities actually help or how much glue sniffing child soldiers get pulled off the streets and put into foster homes, so they can continue their legacy of being fucking poor.
All that stuff doesn't interest me either, so why get involved in it?
Thing is, I think you people care to much about others, specially those who have nothing to do with you.
Let poor people rot.
Why care if they shoot each other to shit? Why care if they rape, pillage, kill and destroy themselves?
Let them be and in just a matter of time, they will find their own ways.

Monday, July 2, 2012

The biggest Asshole.

Let me start my blog, with a rather "touchy" subject.
Just to break the ice.

Of course, I'm talking about religion.
In my opinion, the biggest, baddest, bullshit lie, ever created.
A lie that reaches so deep, many people now see it as their one and only truth.
The perfect lie, if you will.

I always tell people that I'm an Athiest, but at heart, I really am a Satanist.
Now, to those who are not familliar with this term, let me tell you that this doesn't mean I saccrifice goats, or burn babies alive, so I can make candle wax out of their still boiling body fat.
I don't bath in blood and I do not worship the Devil.
As a matter of fact, the whole concept of the Devil, God or anything mildly related to religion, is all nonsense to me.

But for the sake of this blog, lets just pretend and say that there is, a so called "God".
A weird concept to begin with, since certain people say "God" is their almighty ruler, others claim it is "Allah".
Greeks and other tribes however, worshipped multiple Gods.
So who's God is the real God? Who decides which God is the true, almighty ruler?

For this example, I'm going to take the mainstream example of "God".
A huge, bearded man, who looks down from the sky, onto his ever so beautiful creation.
Also a sadistic, pure evil and demented old geezer, with a sickening taste for blood and destruction.
A bit like me, if I'd ever grow old. (Which I probably won't.)

Now, people who believe in this "God", think that he created everything we know, within a few days notice.
Heaven, Hell, Earth, life, death, the universe and even time itself; Everything known to men, created by this ultimate entity.
A rather hard, but quite fulfilling task, if you'd ask me.

Now don't get me wrong, but how does one believe any of this to begin with...? Ugh...
However, let us stay on topic, cause I did say we were pretending this to be the truth.

Now here's where my questions start.
If God is almighty, why did the bastard needed to rest, after doing what he did?
Wouldn't he have an endless supply of energy, endurance or stamina to just keep going?
And what did he do, before he decided to create everything? Was God an unemployed bum, before he did what he does best?
Two questions already and we're just getting started.

It also seems, that the more I type on this subject, the more I resent it...
At the same time, I find it hilarious how many people believe in this fiction.

But anyway, if your god is so awesome, then why is he so cruel?
Let me drag on about that one.

God put all of his children, on a slowly dying rock.
A massive stone sphere, that rotates and shifts around, causing earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, thunderstorms and tornadoes.
A rather sadistic move, if you'd ask me.

To some, he gave wealth, a perfect climate, fertilized grounds for crops to grow on and enough kettle to last years on end.
Others, however, he gave diseases, drought, wild, un-tamable animals and an IQ of 40 or less. Some people are born with deformations or just totally fucking retarded.
To me, this doesn't seem fair to begin with. Yet, you claim that God thinks everyone is equal.
This would be his first, obvious lie.
Killing off your offspring, Jesus for example, for your own personal issues or pleasure.
A dick move on his part.

But if there is a God, there is also a Devil.
And it seems that religious people, got these 2 characters all mixed up.

The Devil's soul purpose, is to punish all those who are bad and or evil.
If you suck at life, which God will decide for you, he will send you straight down to hell, where you'll burn for eternity and blazing hot metal pipes will rapture through your anal cavity and... well, I guess you get the point.
The Devil will continue to torture you, without ever stopping.
So why is the Devil your 'bad guy' and God your 'good guy'? To me, it seems the other way around.
If you're over the age of 20, you should realise that 'cops' are good guys and 'murderers' are bad guys.
God is clearly a sadistic murderer, where the Devil only fucks around with the bad guys. Religion's 'cop', if you will.
You people are clearly morons...

If God created everything, he also created diseases.
So in your logic, if your mother, father or anyone close to you, dies of cancer, God is the one to blame for that.
As a matter of fact, God is the one to blame for everything.
Shit, he's probably the reason there was a genocide to begin with.
Yet you pray for him, hoping he'll listen and make your friends or family better.
This doesn't happen, so clearly he doesn't give a shit about you, or your friends and family.
He doesn't give a shit about anyone on this planet. He's probably not even paying attention to the things that happen on planet earth.
I know I wouldn't. Specially not if I was a super, ultra powerful entity.
I'd be too busy with "Godly" stuff.

There's plenty of funny charts and grafs, showing how many things "God" killed and how many things the "Devil" killed over the years.
It's quite brutal to be honest.

Go check out
Plenty of people have said the same things I have and I'd have to agree with most of them.
God really is a dick.

Then there's churches; and I'm not even going to talk about the fucking noise they make...
The church is by far, the richest fucking thing around.
The amount of money you religious dogs, donate to the church, is truly sickening.
What is God going to do with all this money? Pimp his ride? Buy some ho's? I doubt it... If anything, God could just 'create' more money.
Again, you people are fucking morons...

I could go on and on and on about religion, telling you why it is the dumbest fucking thing ever.
But I don't really want to put that much time, into something I really detest.
I think I got my point across; A point, made by plenty of people before me. In even better and more thought out ways.
Religion is both the most evil, but probably the most smartest thing ever thought off.
So props' to those who take their advantage from it and rape people's money with it and a big HA-HA-HA, to all those who believe. I laugh at you, not with you.
You truly are, the dumbest people alive.