Thursday, July 5, 2012

Filled with tar.

First of all, let me apologize to those who were hoping on a 'brand new blog post'.
I realize that this post is mostly a Facebook comment I made, a while ago.
Thing is, I don't really have anything else to say on the subject. It is how it is.
Thank you.

Here's a personal blog post.
Something about 'me'.

I'm a smoker and I'm darn good at it.
Surely this is nothing to be proud of, or not something I regret, but that doesn't change the fact that I am.

I started smoking when I was 18.
I enjoy smoking just as much as the next person, or maybe even more.

Thing is, I'm well aware of the dangers of smoking. I know I'll probably die a few years sooner and I know my lungs are probably filled with tar'.
I know that my chances of getting cancer or any other weird fucking disease are higher than for an average non-smoker. I also know that I could have probably ran a mile further, if I didn't smoke. (Or if my Asthma didn't stop me)
Yes, I have asthma.

Now, I'm not asking you for your sympathy. If anything, I'll probably get a few "HAH, I HOPE YOU DIE IN PAIN!" comments.
Which is also, no problem at all.

I just can't seem to stop buying packs of cigs'.
My addiction is really taking the upper hand.
Maybe I should just quit trying to quit..?

The average number of cigarettes smoked a year by 1 single male is about 5,772. 
I'm at 13,832... Holy shit.
Scientists have calculated that each cigarette cuts on average 11 minutes off the life of a male smoker. This means I'm totally fucked and let me tell you why.From the starting age of 17 until his death at 71 a male smoker will consume a total of 311,688 cigarettes. In my case that would be 746,928.So if I keep this up, I'd die 15,6 years before my original 'death date'. I'd die at the age of 65, considering I'd normally reach the age of 80.

"As if that's not bad enough, smokers are likely to die a more painful death and spend longer being ill while they are alive."- Clive Bates

I've smoked a sickening amount of 18 packs of cigs', in the last 4 days.
I got a carton of cigarettes, consisting of 20 packs, holding 19 cigarettes in each pack. (If I'm not mistaking.)
This would mean, that I smoked 3,5 cigarettes an hour, in a 24 hour day.
Considering the fact that I'm not awake for 24 hours a day, this number is probably doubled, or maybe even more.
My lungs are probably blacker than the darkest nights by now.
Every time I breath in, or out, I feel a weird pressure on my chest. A sharp pain, coming from behind my rib cage.
Maybe I should get help? But then again, maybe I shouldn't...
It's not that I really care what happens, I just like sharing these statistics.
But anyway, if I die within the next week, you all now know why!

But we could turn all this information around, into something better. After some serious thinking, I concluded that this isn't so bad after all. 
At least I won't see the day on which I'm going to be old, crippled, slow, boring, smelly and in constant pain.
Because of my age, that is. Cause who knows what the long-term effects of smoking will do to me.

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