Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Something else I have a problem with.
Handicapped people and the mentally disabled.

First of all, I do not  understand, why any parent would even consider keeping these kids.
The second you decide to take care of someone with a handicap, your life is going to get turned around so drastically. Who in their right mind would want that?
You'll be limited to so many things, you'd have to work so much harder, to turn this kid into something that could have a normal life, in our current society.
Seems quite selfish as well, cause no child would want a life like that, as soon as they realise that they are not "normal", but just a bunch of rejects.
Sure, you could convince him or her that he or she is "special", but that doesn't change the fact that they're still fucking retards.

Personally, if I decided to have kids, I'd let my kid get tested, while still in the womb. If this would result in "me having a retarded baby", I'd get it aborted immediately.
If my 'wife' or 'girlfriend' wants otherwise, I wish her a happy life, with her retarded baby, as a single mother.
In case I can't get my kid tested, before it is born, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. But, on discovery that it -is- a retard, adoption would do just fine.

Thing is, I can't stand these people.
I often see people with down syndrome, or those extremely fucked up people, in wheelchairs, only capable of drooling and making one or two sounds, twitching whatever limb they are still able to move.
One could say that it is sad, to see someone go through life like that. Which would get us back on the whole "selfish" part, since no kid would want to live like that.
But fuck that, I don't feel any empathy for these people. Nor do I have respect for these people, since they serve no purpose in our modern world.
To put it blunt, they clog up the world, with their uselessness.
Sure, we could put some of them together and say we're running a "special business", serving drinks and meals or whatever, to those who care.
But lets be honest, we'd be better off without them.

Far back in the days, people thought the exact same thing.
Take the "Spartans" for example.
A child would be deemed weak if there was some sort of birth defect or mental retardation that would prevent the child from serving in the Sparta army, when growing up.
If the babies were weak or sick, they would be dropped off a cliff, drowned or turned into a helot, a slave to the Spartans. Spartans only looked for strong babies for their military.
If the baby was weak or deformed, it would be no use because they proved a weak spot in the phalanx. They needed someone to watch their allies backs, while maintaining form.
These guys had the right idea. If the baby is weak, it would be of no use.

Anyway, I know plenty of people think otherwise. Many people have family or friends that are mentally not 100%, or handicapped, in any way or form.
I know that I'll never see a world without "retarded people", so I guess that one can only dream.

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