Monday, July 2, 2012

The biggest Asshole.

Let me start my blog, with a rather "touchy" subject.
Just to break the ice.

Of course, I'm talking about religion.
In my opinion, the biggest, baddest, bullshit lie, ever created.
A lie that reaches so deep, many people now see it as their one and only truth.
The perfect lie, if you will.

I always tell people that I'm an Athiest, but at heart, I really am a Satanist.
Now, to those who are not familliar with this term, let me tell you that this doesn't mean I saccrifice goats, or burn babies alive, so I can make candle wax out of their still boiling body fat.
I don't bath in blood and I do not worship the Devil.
As a matter of fact, the whole concept of the Devil, God or anything mildly related to religion, is all nonsense to me.

But for the sake of this blog, lets just pretend and say that there is, a so called "God".
A weird concept to begin with, since certain people say "God" is their almighty ruler, others claim it is "Allah".
Greeks and other tribes however, worshipped multiple Gods.
So who's God is the real God? Who decides which God is the true, almighty ruler?

For this example, I'm going to take the mainstream example of "God".
A huge, bearded man, who looks down from the sky, onto his ever so beautiful creation.
Also a sadistic, pure evil and demented old geezer, with a sickening taste for blood and destruction.
A bit like me, if I'd ever grow old. (Which I probably won't.)

Now, people who believe in this "God", think that he created everything we know, within a few days notice.
Heaven, Hell, Earth, life, death, the universe and even time itself; Everything known to men, created by this ultimate entity.
A rather hard, but quite fulfilling task, if you'd ask me.

Now don't get me wrong, but how does one believe any of this to begin with...? Ugh...
However, let us stay on topic, cause I did say we were pretending this to be the truth.

Now here's where my questions start.
If God is almighty, why did the bastard needed to rest, after doing what he did?
Wouldn't he have an endless supply of energy, endurance or stamina to just keep going?
And what did he do, before he decided to create everything? Was God an unemployed bum, before he did what he does best?
Two questions already and we're just getting started.

It also seems, that the more I type on this subject, the more I resent it...
At the same time, I find it hilarious how many people believe in this fiction.

But anyway, if your god is so awesome, then why is he so cruel?
Let me drag on about that one.

God put all of his children, on a slowly dying rock.
A massive stone sphere, that rotates and shifts around, causing earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, thunderstorms and tornadoes.
A rather sadistic move, if you'd ask me.

To some, he gave wealth, a perfect climate, fertilized grounds for crops to grow on and enough kettle to last years on end.
Others, however, he gave diseases, drought, wild, un-tamable animals and an IQ of 40 or less. Some people are born with deformations or just totally fucking retarded.
To me, this doesn't seem fair to begin with. Yet, you claim that God thinks everyone is equal.
This would be his first, obvious lie.
Killing off your offspring, Jesus for example, for your own personal issues or pleasure.
A dick move on his part.

But if there is a God, there is also a Devil.
And it seems that religious people, got these 2 characters all mixed up.

The Devil's soul purpose, is to punish all those who are bad and or evil.
If you suck at life, which God will decide for you, he will send you straight down to hell, where you'll burn for eternity and blazing hot metal pipes will rapture through your anal cavity and... well, I guess you get the point.
The Devil will continue to torture you, without ever stopping.
So why is the Devil your 'bad guy' and God your 'good guy'? To me, it seems the other way around.
If you're over the age of 20, you should realise that 'cops' are good guys and 'murderers' are bad guys.
God is clearly a sadistic murderer, where the Devil only fucks around with the bad guys. Religion's 'cop', if you will.
You people are clearly morons...

If God created everything, he also created diseases.
So in your logic, if your mother, father or anyone close to you, dies of cancer, God is the one to blame for that.
As a matter of fact, God is the one to blame for everything.
Shit, he's probably the reason there was a genocide to begin with.
Yet you pray for him, hoping he'll listen and make your friends or family better.
This doesn't happen, so clearly he doesn't give a shit about you, or your friends and family.
He doesn't give a shit about anyone on this planet. He's probably not even paying attention to the things that happen on planet earth.
I know I wouldn't. Specially not if I was a super, ultra powerful entity.
I'd be too busy with "Godly" stuff.

There's plenty of funny charts and grafs, showing how many things "God" killed and how many things the "Devil" killed over the years.
It's quite brutal to be honest.

Go check out
Plenty of people have said the same things I have and I'd have to agree with most of them.
God really is a dick.

Then there's churches; and I'm not even going to talk about the fucking noise they make...
The church is by far, the richest fucking thing around.
The amount of money you religious dogs, donate to the church, is truly sickening.
What is God going to do with all this money? Pimp his ride? Buy some ho's? I doubt it... If anything, God could just 'create' more money.
Again, you people are fucking morons...

I could go on and on and on about religion, telling you why it is the dumbest fucking thing ever.
But I don't really want to put that much time, into something I really detest.
I think I got my point across; A point, made by plenty of people before me. In even better and more thought out ways.
Religion is both the most evil, but probably the most smartest thing ever thought off.
So props' to those who take their advantage from it and rape people's money with it and a big HA-HA-HA, to all those who believe. I laugh at you, not with you.
You truly are, the dumbest people alive.


  1. I am not religious, but I am a firm supporter of good and consice logic, and you made a few logical errors that undermine the message of the story.

    First of all, just because the bible says god took a rest, does not mean it he actualy did. So, you prove that the bible was wrong, not that there is no god. That the bible is wrong is not so strange, one could argue, as it is only an interpetation of god (who is quite awsome if we read the bible, so it is difficult to understand). Furthermore, the same goes for your argument of allah vs god (who the real one is) as they simply are different interpetations of the same concept. If two people describe the same tree, you'll get a different description. This does not mean there was no tree to begin with. And both might have done their very best to accurately describe the tree.
    Before I myself fall into a fallacy (straw man argument), I'd like to take a look at the other arguments you present. First and foremost, you assume that god is like men, and must have the same conciousness, as he allows men to suffer and die. But, it might be that for his conciousness, it is all going to fast. Do you notice cells in your body dieing? You can care for them the best you can, but they still die. By structuring the argument as you do, it becomes very easy to counter it, and you are trying to convince someone I presume?

    Also, define evil. You say that it is the most evil thing ever, probably because it is used to make people do what you want. Love also makes someone do what you want, just like fear, hate and just about any emotion. Also, satanism is also a religion, which, if im not mistaken, has a memberships fee. Do you consider yourself the dumbest person alive?

    The problem with debates about religion is that they very quickly fall into "begging the question" fallacies. God exists, because we can talk about it. He's (or she for that matter) is not a deity in the most direct sense of the world, but there is a word and a definition for it, it influences our environement, so it exists.

    Last of all, I am curious why you write this. What do -you- gain from trashing their intellect and choices in life? Does it confirm you are better (but you are part of a religion yourself)? Why join religious people who don't bother anybody and don't give money to churces whith the people who do?

  2. Good points!

    The bible has some flaws in it, I'm sure. (I wouldn't know, never read it.)
    I'm just saying, that if you're a strong believer and you believe what the bible says, you believe that God took a day off from work, after creating everything we know. Which in all logic would be silly, since he's God, so there's no need to take a rest at all.

    Allah and God could be (and most likely are) an interpretation of the same thing indeed. But then how does one explain The Olympian Gods?
    Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Aphrodite, Demeter, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Athena, Hermes...?
    Surely these weren't all the same entity, when people decided to make them up.
    Where Zues might be a tree, (to take your example) Hera was obviously 'sand', if you will. You can't compare a tree with sand, no matter how you interpret it.
    To the Greek, it was clear that there was more than just 1 God. But In the Holy Bible, God commands, “You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3).

    Surely I can't keep the cells in my body from dying, no matter how much I care for them. But I'm no 'all powerful entity' either.
    If God can't keep up with the things that happen on earth, no matter how hard he's trying to take care of us, he's clearly not all powerful either.

    Religion has, over the years, made people do things they otherwise would never have thought of doing. It made decision for them, taking advantage of their 'weak minds'.
    If you're saying love makes decisions for you, then you are just as easily corrupted as a believer.
    No emotion should change your free will.

    I never joined the Church of Satan, never payed any fee. After reading the Satanic Bible, I realized I was more of a Satanist than an Atheist.
    Still, I don't believe in God, which was my point to begin with. Believers, are the dumbest people alive.

    Saying something exists because we can talk about it, is absolute bogus'.
    We could have lengthy conversations about the Millions of euro's I have, on my bank account. But that doesn't mean it's there.
    One could WISH, it existed, but without any proof, you can't just 'assume' that it's there, just because people say so.

    I'm writing this blog, purely to share the things that are on my mind. I'm not trying to convince or 'turn' anyone.
    People are free to believe whatever they want to believe. You won't see me, trying to stop them.
    But I thrive on the misfortune of others, I love spreading hate' and I like a good discussion. It's fun to trash people their intellect and choices in life.
    This is just me, having a blast; and the fun I'm getting out of this, is what I 'gain' from it.

  3. @ Vivamus Veritas fuck you you faggit

  4. note: The previous post was made under my old nickname, this is the one I use nowadays.
    You misunderstood, the millions of euros exist, as a concept. Same as god exists as a concept. Does mercy exist? If so, where does it reside? Same place as your fictional millions of euros, no? I said god exists, because it is impossible to describe something that does not exist. To describe something means it has characteristics I can describe, therefore it exists. Wether or not it exists in our imagination or in reality is something that I think is not so important in this debate as evidence for or against is quite difficult (if not impossible) to obtain.

    But still, you have not disproven the existence of god, just that the holy texts are wrong, and that religions seem to be mutualy exclusive. If two texts describe me as smart, and two describe me as dumb, does not mean I have average intelligence, since none of them can be right.

    And compared to the single cells in your body, you might be considered all powerfull. Altough, as with all writen text it is an over simplification of the truth. The bible is often taken literal, but this is a flaw many religions display. However, there I am certain that everyone believes certain things that are wrong, or cannot be proven. This does not make them stupid, this makes them misguided.

    The fact that you believe in free will proves you are no better than the religious people. How do you know it exists? Does it even exist? Where does free will reside? Can I see it? Taste it? Logicaly deduce its existence? You cannot just asume it exist, just because people say so. Just because you want it to be there. Just because it agrees with the satanist worldview. Free will is a concept on par with god, allah, budah or reincarnation. There is an will never be proof of free will outside of the context of philosophical debate.

    Ah, I am mistaken about the satanism then. I operated under the assumption that for one to call oneself satanist a membership fee had to be paid to the church. Due note that satanism -is- a belief and a religion. It is a rather strange religion compared to others, but it is and remains a religion. There are also christians who do not have a church that demands their money. The satanist belief system has probably also made people do stuff they did not think off without the suggestions of the church or other forms of manipulation tied to the beliefsystem. If all religions are wrong, so is satanism. If satanism is not wrong, please feel free to present counter arguments why this is not the case.

    Thank you for taking the effort to type down a reply. I hope this asumes you have read my reply, altough you seem to disagree. Might I ask what made you (wrongly I must add) conclude that my sexual preference is homosexual? Even more so, what made you conclude that I was interested in sexual intercourse with someone who wrote a one line comment on the internet and have never met before? Please, I understand that some people have difficulties with their sexual orientation (i suggest you seek proffesional counciling if you have difficulties with your sexual orientation), or difficulty finding sexual partners, but I am not interested. Might I add that a blog is probably not the best medium to get laid.

  5. I see.
    If you put it that way, I'd have to agree on that one.
    Seeing "God" as an overall influence, would make 'it', just as real as any other influence people made up.
    But believing that God is a 'being', a 'something', that created everything, is still dumb, in my eyes. Which is my personal opinion, so it's not a matter of being right or wrong.
    I think that believers, are the dumbest people alive. Definitely if you believe the words written in the bible.

    As for free will.
    I can decide to pick up my mug, place it left or right. I could also decide to leave it on my desk, not moving it at all. That's all I need to believe, considering 'free will'.
    Sure, one could argue that 'something' or 'someone' would make that decision for me, beforehand, but there is no proof.
    You're right though, there is no real proof for anything on these subjects, thus we'll never get to an agreement.
    But that's not what I was going for though.
    My blog is purely a personal opinion. I'm not saying God does or doesn't exist. We'll simply never know.
    But believing that he does, feels dumb to me. Really dumb.

    I believe you're right about 'joining the church of Satan' though.
    If I'm not mistaken, someone must indeed pay a fee to actually join the church. Something just as retarded as any other religion.
    The fact that I call myself a Satanist, is because I feel I have more in-common with a Satanist, (on certain points) than with the average atheist.
    But I could just as easily call myself a "very self centered and egotistical atheist".
    Plus, Satanist sounds way cooler. It often puts people in an awkward position, since a bunch of people think of Satanism as something that has to do with worshiping Satan himself and all the brutal rituals that come with it.

    Again, I'm just trying to spread some hate, since that's what I enjoy doing.
    I'm not trying to change anyone's belief. I'm not "putting facts out there, which will prove that God doesn't exists".
    To me, it feels all to logical that he doesn't.
    I just think that you're dumb, if you believe that he does, as a 'being', that is.

    That last part you wrote was hilarious by the way.
    Kyly' is someone that enjoys spreading hate, just as much as I do, or maybe even more.
    I doubt he read a word, which is exactly why I like him. Simple and straight to the point.

  6. Yes, but you see, this does not realy... spread hate. Actualy, it amused me to write this, and got a good laugh out of it. Making crude statements about someones sexual orientation is not very effective at spreading hate. Furthermore, he is not very straight to the point, as there seems to be no point in his message, other then providing me an option to write a witty retort.

    Is a good example of someone who excels (in my oppionion) at offending people in a funny and worthwile way. Hate, just like fear, is complicated, and I still believe that a convincing writing is better at spreading either than one that has logical flaws. Per example, it is very easy to refute the bible, as it has so much errors. If you want your message to be heard (the direct or indirect one, no difference there), good structure and consice logic can surely help, no? Also, since it seems impossible to please everybody, it likely is impossible to displease everybody.

    Ah, so you do believe in something then, this free will. There is no evidence in favor or against it, but yet you still believe it exists. Free will could also be refuted by determinism by the way, it does not require someone to make the decision for you. To take it even further, because there is no-one to direct the forces of nature, and your thinking is based on non concious procesces such as chemical reactions and electrical currents, it might be argued that they all follow a (abeit very complex) structure that can be predicted beforehand if one has complete information about the starting conditions.

    Ah, but it is quite a usuefull distinction to think of god as an influencing concept. First and foremost, it disrupts nearly all the aruments most theist come up with if you start your position with: "God exists" (which is exactly why I made it up in the first place), and it offers insight in how the world works (which is the function of all models after all).

    Something that feels logical is almost a Contradictio in terminis. Logic makes no use of feelings but employs the rationale. You might suspect there is no god, and believe that there exists a logical system to disprove his existance, but that it has not been presented yet, or is as of yet unknown to mankind.

  7. I think you both have a different definition of "spreading hate".

    The thing Kevin does, he enjoys, and he calls it "spreading hate". I don't think he has any intention to conjure up the actual emotion of hate within you; blazingeclipse. (But he certainly succeeds in conjuring up that emotion among the weak willed that read his blog, which I personally think he is going for).

    Kevin did state that he would use the "mainstream" example of God, and indeed he forgot to mention that this is the God mentioned in the bible, but surely you figured out that that is what he meant; in that case his argument (omnipotent god in need of rest = contradiction) is as good as any really.

    About the Church of Satan: The fee has nothing to do with "becoming a Satanist". There are some real tangible advantages to paying the fee (which is one time only, and not some sort of "subscription fee"). But you don't need to become a member of the Church of Satan to be a Satanist. I think most Satanists are not members.
