Saturday, July 7, 2012


Suicide is the easy escape to life.
An escape many people take and even more think about.

Personally, I've got a lot of mixed feelings, when it comes down to suicide.
When I was younger, I've thought about committing suicide myself, multiple times.
Not because I was extremely fucking emo', but because I was curious to see what would happen, if I died.
Since nobody can really prove, if there's an afterlife or not, my mind made some strange turns, eventually contemplating suicide.
I'm a curious little bastard.

Lucky for me, I've got a mind that realises life is worth living. There's so much more things life can offer me, so many things I've never done before and so many things that will happen to me, that I've never even thought about.
Life is full of surprises, both good and bad. But that is exactly what makes life so interesting.

Now, of course there's people who were born, having a fucked up life.
Kids that get bullied in school. Kids that get hit by their parents.
Kids that sniff glue, so they are ready for combat and do exactly as their superiors say. (Joseph Kony knows his shit.)
Whatever it is, it's probably not pretty.

But is something like 'getting bullied' or 'being put up on a banga list', really something to commit suicide over?
I believe, that most problems can be fixed.
Sure, if your family got murdered and raped and you're being dragged out into the desert, getting drugged up, given an AK-47, dropped into a strange village and told to shoot everyone longer than 4 feet, yes, you're fucked.
Suicide is probably the answer for you. Either that, or continue life as a hardcore motherfucker.
But surely being bullied can't be that bad.
If your bully is 6 feet 5, fat and big, why not just stab him in the neck?
Go on a school shootout for all I care.
Why kill yourself and not hurt those, who are causing the pain?
You can also just report it. Any mental bullying is just nonsense, since you can block that out and any physical bullying can be reported.
Either with your principal, or the cops. Whatever, I dno'...
Anyway, in these "mild cases", suicide is just a weak excuse of not putting up with your problems.
Learn to stand up for yourself.
And those who don't take shit from others, cause they got bullied their entire lives; aren't you now stronger, then what you used to be when you got bullied?
Didn't it turn out for the best? Cause if you didn't get bullied, you'd now probably be someones work horse, slaving away your life.

Anyway, we went from suicide to bullying.
Something often related.
But something that shouldn't be related at all.
Suicide is weak, unless there is absolutely no escape.

I've always said that if I ever went blind or became a hospitalized vegetable or some shit, I'd either commit suicide or hope someone would kill me.
I couldn't live without sight, so unless there's a way of making blind people see again, I'd choose death.


  1. I think it won't be long until we can make blind people see again. (Depending on definition of "long"). Another 20-30 years or so I think.

  2. Very comforting to hear. But... you planning on taking my eyes out, brah?
